We always start from where we are
Earlier on in this year, I had a really interesting discussion online with Duncan Hothersall about Scottish Independence, and Brexit. I support independence, and Duncan very much doesn't. Scotland is currently about evenly split between supporters and opponents of independence, with a small number of hardcore unionists and nationalists on either side. But many people are in the middle, and weigh up the decision based on the perceived pros and cons. In itself, this disagreement between Duncan and myself is interesting. We share a similar world-view and similar hopes for the future. We agree in many ways on the kind of future we would like to see. But we disagree on how we want to get there. This is of course a common pattern. We often share a purpose with other people, but we disagree on the tactics or maybe even the strategy for how to achieve it, and there is a wealth of literature on how to resolve such disagreements. But what I found fascinating was how we both responded...